
Our Flooring in Action

Our Flooring In Action


Luxury car showroom flooring. A red carpet event. The famous Hardwood Circle at the Grand Ole Opry. The dance hall floor from Saturday Night Fever. The crisscross hardwood plank flooring at the Boston Garden. The grass-like turf at the old Astrodome in Houston. Do you know what kind of walls these places have? What about the light fixtures? Are the ceilings made of decorative, ornate designs? Chances are, you probably have no real idea about the walls, ceilings, or fixtures in these famous places. But you probably DO remember something about the most foundational part of these structures… the floors.

Flooring is often the most universally memorable part of many of your all-time favorite iconic places. You probably know exactly what kind of foundational surface existed there. Memorable flooring choices typically have several things in common, whether you remember them from a famous entertainment center or your grandmother’s living room.


-The aesthetics of flooring can be simple or complex. But the main factor is that whatever the level of surface complexity, it works visually. In a trade show exhibit, at an event, or at an auto show, it works with the furniture, fixtures, signage and graphics, and other elements of the space. It works with the brand or theme. It ties the space together and helps set the scene for a memorable experience. 


-Both soft and hard surfaces can be comfortable. Comfortable to look at. Comfortable to walk on. Comfortable to sit on. And when it comes to flooring for exhibits, events and auto, comfort starts with proper installation. That's why Brumark uses only the most skilled installers for our projects, nationwide, and provide on-site supervision. We make sure your flooring is installed correctly and on time.


-If your flooring is for a trade show exhibit or event, it needs to be durable enough to withstand transport, fast installation, and heavy traffic and still look great at the end of the day or the end of a multi-day show. If you plan to reuse the flooring, it needs to stand up to dismantling plus more transport and more heavy foot traffic. You might also need flooring that can hold heavy equipment or create a surface over uneven terrain. 

Whatever surface of flooring you need, whether it’s permanent or temporary, Brumark is your Total Flooring Solutions company. Create your iconic flooring experience today with Brumark.